How to get paint off your car
How to get paint off your car

how to get paint off your car

"There have been instances in which insects lay eggs on automobiles," says Taljan. Tree sap isn't the only overhead threat insects can be just as damaging. That tension can end up cracking a car's finish. Tree sap drops shrink over time, and as they shrink they create stress on your car's finish because of that strong bond with the paint, says Dennis Taljan, a general manager at PPG, which produces car paints and other products.

how to get paint off your car

Sap can damage your car because of how it bonds with the vehicle's surface. This is why sap starts flowing from a broken branch or cut in the tree during springtime. "Freezing nights and sunny days above 32 degrees promote the flow of sap after dormancy, although pine trees will ooze anytime of the year," Jascot says. "Sap will be visible on the surface or bark of a tree flowing from a wound, such as a saw cut or natural injury or disease," says Michael Jascot, a maintenance specialist at CR's test track who holds a degree in horticulture.

how to get paint off your car

Tree sap is transported in tree veins and consists of nutrients, hormones, water, and sugars.

How to get paint off your car